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稿約 (Submission guidelines)


一、 從民國105年1月1日起,“植物保護學會刊”與“植物病理學會刊”合併並更名為“植物醫學期刊”,該期刊為中華植物保護學會、中華民國植物病理學會及台灣昆蟲學會共同發行之學術性季刊,將延承刊登下列各類稿件:

研究簡報:同時,「植物醫學」期刊也歡迎專題回顧(mini review)、評論(critic)、精簡整理過之碩士論文的投稿。「植物醫學」期刊新闢植物病蟲害、生理障礙案例研究(case study)、案例報導(case report),田間試驗結果展示及觀摩的投稿。為植物醫學相關之簡短但完整之研究報告,不需分章節撰寫。全文以不超過三印刷頁為度,並附中英文摘要。
二、 投稿本期刊之稿件,不得同時投稿于其他刊物。稿件經本期刊接受後,其刊登權與著作財產權即屬本期刊所有。非經本期刊書面同意,不得轉移他處發表。本期刊有權上傳並進行重製、透過網路提供服務、授權用戶下載、列印、瀏覽等行為。
三、 稿件使用中文或英文撰寫,但強烈鼔勵以英文撰寫之。文稿必須使用Microsoft Office Word (.doc 或 .docx)撰冩。文稿空一行(Double space),兩邊及上下兩端須留空白位置2公分,並在每頁下方以阿拉伯數字註明頁號,請務必加注行號,以利審查。以英文撰寫時,左邊對齊,字距一格打字。
四、 稿件格式:
題目:宜簡短,並能充分反應文旨,並附簡題(Running title)。
摘要:不分段落,宜簡潔明確,不引用文獻。摘要之前應加作者、年代、題目及期刊名稱,摘要之後附關鍵詞(Key words)

(1) 每一表格應分別製作,上方需有標題,並加表一(TABLE 1)、表二(TABLE 2)等冠號。

(2) 中文文稿表格之標題應中英文並列,其內容以英文書寫。

(3) 原始資料應加分析、簡化與歸納後始可列表。

(4) 表中如需附加小註,以1.2.3等置於數字或文字之右上角。小註之內容則於表後依序說明清楚。

(5) 性質類同之圖及表務請精簡合併。


(1) 製作圖版或照片時勿超過本會刊版面之大小(18 x 25 cm)。

(2) 照片清晰度以縮小1/2時尚可判讀為宜。照片儘量製成併版,製作併板時每一照片之色調必須一致。且將插圖與照片放於同一併版。

(3) 中文文稿圖片之標題說明應中英文併寫,並加圖一(Fig. 1)、圖二(Fig. 2)等冠號。

(4) 圖片按其在文中出現之順序以圖一(Fig. 1)、圖二(Fig. 2)等註明圖號。

(1) 引用文獻(Literature Cited)-列舉確曾引用之文獻,並用1.2.3-加以編號。文獻以登載於學術性期刊、書籍、研討會議之文章、及學位論文為限。文中涉及引用文獻時,根據該文獻的號碼以阿拉伯數字加以括號:如(1)、(1,2)等,置於引用文句之後(並上標)。
(2) 中、日文文獻以英文書寫,並於文獻後加註(in Chinese)或(in Japanese),所列文獻均以作者姓名之英文字母為序。
(3) 引用期刊請用縮寫,期刊之縮寫參照 "Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts" 一書之規定。若期刊名稱為單名,則用全名(如範例2)。引用書內章節,則如範例3。
  1. Huang, J. W., and Sun, S. K. 1991. Factors affecting S-H mixture for controlling watermelon fusarium wilt. Plant Prot. Bull. 33:231-238. (In Chinese).
  2. Simon, R., Priefer, U., and Puhler, A. 1983. A broad host range mobilization system for in vivo genetic engineering: transposon mutagenesis in gram negative bacteria. Biotechnology 1:784-791.
  3. Chet, I. 1987. Trichoderma-Application, mode of action, and potential as a biocontrol agent of soilborne plant pathogenic fungi. Pages 137-159 in: Innovative Approaches to Plant Disease Control. I. Chet ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 372 pp.
五、所有度量衡均採公制,數量如用中(英)文數字,單位以中(英)文全名表示;數量如用阿拉伯數字,單位以英文字縮寫表示,如one meter (1 m)、two grams (2 g)、three liters (3 L)、four milliliters (4 mL)。
長度:公里(km)、公尺(m)、公分(=厘米)(cm)、公釐(=毫米)(mm)、微米 (μm)、奈米  (nm)。
時間:年(yr)、月(mo)、週(wk)、日(天)(day, days)、時(hr)、分(min) 、秒(sec)。
統計分析:顯著性(P)(例如P<0.01)、相關係數(r)、顯著性差異以小寫之a, b, c表示。
七、初審時,請自行製作PDF合併檔,依本文、表格、照片及繪製圖版之次序,並請建議至少三名審核專家名單。文稿一律以電子郵件傳寄至:krchung3@gmail.com (鍾光仁博士)或 「植物醫學」雲端投審系統 (測試中)。
八、文稿被接受後,文稿必須以MS-WORD之軟體儲存;照片及繪製圖版則以GIF (.gif)、 JPEG (.jpg)、 PNG (.png)、 TIFF (.tif)等格式儲存,或附Powerpoint (.ppt或 .pptx)等檔案;照片以光面黑白片為原則(彩色相片印刷費由作者負擔)。


Instruction to Authors

Plant Protection Bulletin was merged with Plant Pathology Bulletin to become “Journal of Plant Medicine” on January 01, 2016. The journal publishes full-length papers, research notes, and review papers on all aspects of plant pest management. Manuscripts should be written in Chinese or English. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis) or considered for publication elsewhere.
Format of full-length paper
Title: Be concise and represent the objective. Also include a running title. Provide full names of all authors, names of institute and corresponding addresses.
Abstract: Summarize the information presented in the text in one paragraph. Limit to 250 words with no citations. Add key words after abstract.
Introduction: Describe the current state of work in the relevant field. State the reasons for conducting the experiment. State the objectives and hypotheses being tested.
Materials and Methods: Provide sufficient information to allow the reader to understand the experimental design and statistical methods used in the data analysis.
Results: Present in an orderly fashion.
Discussion: Discuss the work presented and its relationship with other relevant published work.
Acknowledgments: The source of any financial support received for the work being published must be properly acknowledged.
Literature citations: The literature cited section must include all relevant sources, and all listed references must be cited in the text. Arrange the citations in alphabetical order, by the first author, and number consecutively. Abbreviate journal names according to "Biosciences Information Service, Philadelphia, Pa., 1997". Cite each listed reference in the text by number (superscript). Follow the styles below:
  1. Huang, J. W., and Sun, S. K. 1991. Factors affecting S-H mixture for controlling watermelon fusarium wilt. Plant Prot. Bull. 33:231-238. (In Chinese).
  2. Simon, R., Priefer, U., and Puhler, A. 1983. A broad host range mobilization system for in vivo genetic engineering: transposon mutagenesis in gram negative bacteria. Biotechnology 1:784-791.
  3. Chet, I. 1987. Trichoderma-Application, mode of action, and potential as a biocontrol agent of soilborne plant pathogenic fungi. Pages 137-159 in: Innovative Approaches to Plant Disease Control. I. Chet ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 372 pp.
Chinese abstract: Manuscripts written in English should include an abstract in Chinese. If requested, the editor board may prepare the Chinese abstract for the accepted manuscript.
Tables: Cite tables in numeric order in the manuscript. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet of paper. Tables are used to present precise numerical data that show comparisons or interrelationships.
Figures: Each submitted illustration should be labeled with the figure number. Cite all figures in numeric order in the manuscript. The size of illustration should not be beyond 18x25 cm, and generally is made in white and black. The color prints will be published at the author's expense.
Format of Research Note
Submit short report written as a note in the same way as the full-length paper. The text should be kept to a minimum without section headings (e.g. Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion) and should not exceed three printed pages.
Submission of Manuscripts
All parts of the English manuscript must be typewritten with double spacing. A combined PDF file containing the main text, table, and figures shall be submitted to krchung3@gmail.com (Dr. Kuang-Ren Chung) or to JPM cloud review (on testing).
Following acceptance
Submit text in Word (.DOC or .DOCX), or Rich Text Format (.RTF) file and figures in . GIF (.gif), JPEG (.jpg), PNG (.png), or TIFF (.tif) file.