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關於期刊 (About)

植物醫學期刊 (Journal of Plant Medicine, JPM) 為中華植物保護學會、中華民國植物病理學會及台灣昆蟲學會共同發行之學術性季刊。本刊發表關於植物病蟲害管理與各個方面研究報告、短論和文獻綜述等,包括植物病理學、昆蟲學和雜草科學等相關研究。本刊的核心目標為提供一個科學交流的共通平台,透過可靠的資訊及提升我們對植物病蟲害管理的基礎認知。所有投稿於本刊的研究報告都將經過至少兩名各自領域專家的嚴格審稿,以確保結果及資訊的完整性和準確性。

本刊嚴格遵守由出版倫理委員會 (Committee on Publication EthicsCOPE) 對主編、編輯委員、審查委員及作者所訂定之倫理規範。對於投稿至本刊之稿件,作者須確認未曾出版、目前並未投稿至其他刊物、且未剽竊他人的版權。稿件投稿至本刊後,若有任何作者之增減或順序變動,皆須經過所有作者書面同意,並經主編認可後方可進行。本刊嚴禁任何抄襲或複製作者本身或他人之著作而未適當引用。本刊皆會以嚴格標準檢視其是否有任何違反出版倫理委員會所規範之事件,並根據其所訂定之規範,做相關之處置。




所有列於稿件中之作者皆須對所提之研究做出顯著貢獻。作者須對資料之準確性負責,且文稿中需有足夠資訊顯示其結果可以被複製。若文稿中有任何錯誤,作者必須提出更正或撤回文稿。獲他人協助可於文稿之謝詞中註明。作者有責任告知主編任何因潛在利益衝突而會造成審查偏誤疑慮之相關資訊,包含財務贊助情形 (如經費補助、計畫補助) 及僱傭關係、顧問、材料物品擁有權、報酬、專家證詞費用、專利申請/註冊或捐款授等。














Aims and scope: Journal of Plant Medicine (JPM) is the official journal jointly published by the Plant Protection Society, the Taiwan Phytopathological Society and the Taiwan Entomology Society of the Republic of China. The journal publishes original full-length papers, research notes, and review papers on all aspects of plant pest management including plant pathology, entomology and weed science. The core aims of JPM are to provide a common platform for scientific communication, to deliver reliable information and to advance our understanding of the basis of plant pest management. All papers submitted to JPM will be rigorously peer reviewed by at least two experts in their field to ensure integrity and accuracy of the results and information.
Publication ethics: The editorial team of JPM complies with the standards and principles of ethics abided by international publishers. Only original work will be considered by JPM.  The manuscript, even in portions, submitted to JPM shall not be submitted, in press or published elsewhere. The authors shall appropriately credit the sources of previously published work. The authors shall obtain appropriate permission from publishers when previously published figures or tables are deemed necessary in the manuscript. Fabrication or falsification of data, plagiarism, or using data from publications without permission is absolutely prohibited by JPM. The authors shall appropriately acknowledge the source of the finding used to support the work as well. Shall the authors fail to meet these requirements, the manuscript will be rejected and the authors will be barred from publishing any articles in JPM. Any conflicts of interest with funding agency shall be disclosed. 
Authorships: Only persons who have made significant intellectual contribution (experimental design, investigation, data analysis, or writing) to the work shall be included in the authorship. All authors shall read and approve the content before submission.
Editors and reviewers: The manuscript submitted to JPM will be assigned to one of editors, who will invite at least two experts in their field to evaluate the manuscript. Reviewers will remain anonymous. Reviewers shall not disclose or cite the work before publication. The handing editor will consolidate the comments or suggestions of the reviewers and make a final decision on the acceptability of the manuscript.
Plagiarism statement: According to Rutgers University, Academic Integrity Policy, Section 2C, plagiarism is defined as “the representation of the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic work”. Thus, ideas, critical words or phrases from published sources shall not be used in the manuscript without appropriate citation or credit. Duplicating a phrase or sentence or simply modifying a few words in the sentence is also considered plagiarism, which is absolutely not allowed in JPM.
總 編 輯:鍾光仁
編  輯:鍾嘉綾、黃姿碧、蕭文鳳、許秀惠、蔡志濃


Editorial Board


Kuang-Ren Chung (National Chung Hsing University)


Managing Editors:

Ting-Chin Deng (Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute),

Peichen Janet Chen (National Chung Hsing University)


Executive Editor:

Ying-Hong Lin (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology)


Editorial Board:

Chia-Lin Chung (National Taiwan University)

Tzu-Pi Huang (National Chung Hsing University)

Wen-Feng Hsiao (National Chiayi University)

Shiow-Huey Hseu (Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute)

Jyh-Nong Tsai (Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute)

Yi-Hsien Lin (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology)

Tsui-Ying Chang (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology)

Wen-Hua Chen (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology)

Ming-Ying Lin (National Chiayi University) 

Feng-Chyi Lin (Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute)

Ying-Huey Cheng (Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute)

Ying-Lien Chen (National Taiwan University)

Wen-Shi Tsai (National Chiayi University) 

Chih-Hung Lin (National Chiayi University) 

Min-Nan Tseng (Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station)