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論文中文題目 台灣立枯絲核菌抑菌土壤之篩選
論文英文題目 Study on the soil suppressive to Rhizoctonia solani in Taiwan
論文中文摘要 由台灣 14 個縣市採集 331 個耕作田土壤,經測試後,只有 10 個土壤樣品為 Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 之抑菌土,僅佔 3%,其中 3 樣品採自雲林的虎尾與斗南,2 個採自屏東九如,2 個採自花蓮鶴岡,3 個採自台東市附近。而供試的 10 個森林土壤,則有 3 個為抑菌土,佔 30%。將 6 個不同抑菌性土壤作接種試驗,其中 2 個抑菌土與 2 個半抑菌土均能降低蘿蔔幼苗立枯病。選取抑菌性不同的 62 個土壤樣品,測定 pH 值、有機質含量及土壤質地,經統計分析後,發現這些土壤理化性質與抑菌性無關。抑菌土對不同菌絲融合群 AG-1、AG-2、AG-3 及 AG-4 菌絲生長的抑制能力亦不一致。抑菌土對其他 5 種真菌與 1 種卵菌(包括Alternaria alternata, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, Bipolaris maydis, Phytophthora capsici及Sclerotium rolfsii)的抑制能力亦不同。
論文英文摘要 Among 331 cultivated soils collected from 14 countries of Taiwan, only 10 soil samples were defined as being suppressive to Rhizoctonia solani AG4 when the germination of monilioid cells was less than 50%. Three of these suppressive soils were collected from central part of Taiwan, two from southern Taiwan, and the other five from eastern Taiwan. Among 10 forest soils tested, three soil samples were suppressive to the pathogen. When six soils with different germination rate were selected to mix with 0.5% chopped potato-soil inoculum as infested soils, two pathogen-suppressive soils and 2 out of 3 semi-suppressive soil were also suppressive to the damping-off of radish seedlings caused by the pathogen AG-4. Based on the data of soil analysis among 62 soil samples, soil pH, organic matter content and soil texture were not correlated to the germination of monilioid cells statistically. Mycelial growth of different anamtomosis groups (AG-1, AG-2, AG-3 and AG-4) varied in different suppressive soils. In the spore germination test of six species of fungi and oomycetes on the tested soil, including Alternaria alternata, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, Bipolaris maydis, Phytophthora capsici and Sclerotium rolfsii, the inhibitory spectrums of suppressive soils were also different.
  • 立枯絲核菌
  • 立枯病
  • 抑菌土
  • 生物防治
  • Rhizoctonia solani
  • damping-off
  • suppressive soil
  • biocontrol


中文姓名 英文姓名 在職(就學)單位 職稱
莊再揚 Chuang, T. Y. 國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物系
安寶貞 Ann, P. J. 農業試驗所植物病理組