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論文中文題目 殺蟎劑對木瓜上二點葉蟎(真蟎目:葉蟎科)之藥效試驗
論文英文題目 Control Efficiency of Various Miticides for Tetranychus urticae on Papaya.
論文中文摘要 二點葉蟎為網室栽培木瓜主要發生的害蟎之一,也是我國在木瓜上需積極防治的有害生物。本試驗探討2% 阿巴汀乳劑(abamectin)、43.2% 必芬蟎水懸劑(bifenazate)、42% 克芬蟎水懸劑(clofentezine)、20% 賽芬蟎水懸劑(cyflumetofen)、18.3% 芬殺蟎水懸劑(fenazaquin)、10% 芬普寧乳劑(fenpropathrin)、1% 密滅汀乳劑(milbemectin)、10% 得芬瑞可濕性粉劑(tebufenpyrad)、10% 依殺蟎水懸劑(etoxazole)、30% 賜派芬水懸劑(spirodiclofen)、24% 賜滅芬水懸劑(spiromesifen)計 11 種市售殺蟎劑對木瓜園中二點葉蟎之防治效果,其中 8 個藥劑進行二點葉蟎雌成蟎之防治率探討,依殺蟎、賜派芬、賜滅芬則進行卵及若蟎之防治試驗。供試之二點葉蟎分別自雲林林內、嘉義中埔、臺南大內及屏東長治等 4 處之木瓜園採集。於室內進行飼育後,以噴藥塔進行藥液之噴施,探討殺蟎劑對 4 個不同地區二點葉蟎卵、若蟎及雌成蟎之防治效果。以必芬蟎對 4 個地區之葉蟎有較高之防治率,其餘殺蟎劑對雌成蟎之防治效果均已不佳。在對卵的防治試驗中,賜滅芬對卵的防治效果為最佳,均達 100% 之防治率,依殺蟎對不同地區之卵的防治率有些許的不同,以對長治地區之防治效果最佳,有 81.8% 以上之防治率。對若蟎之防治試驗中,相同藥劑對不同地區族群之防治率明顯不同,賜滅芬仍是防治效果最佳之殺蟎劑,而依殺蟎之防治效果差異最大,對長治地區之族群 82.8% 以上之防治率,但中埔地區僅 2.5%。目前木瓜上二點葉蟎之防治,可運用必芬蟎防治雌成蟎,賜滅芬防治卵及若蟎進行搭配,效果最佳。登記於木瓜上之殺蟎劑普遍無法防治二點葉蟎之現象頗值注意,並應針對管理葉蟎之策略妥善研擬。
論文英文摘要 Tetranychus urticae is the major mites occurred in screen cultivate papaya, and need to management intensively in Taiwan. In this study, we investigate the control efficiency of 11 commercial acaricides on T. urticae, the miticides were 2 % abamectin EC, 43.2 % bifenazate SC, 42 % clofentezine SC, 20 % cyflumetofen SC, 18.3 % fenazaquin SC, 10% fenpropathrin EC, 1 % milbemectin EC, 10 % tebufenpyrad WP, 10 % etoxazole SC, 30 % spirodiclofen SC, 24 % spiromesifen SC, respectively. All the acaricides were focus on the control efficiency of female of T. urticae, beside etoxazole, spirodiclofen, and spiromesifen. Those three acaricides were carrying out the control study on egg and nymph stage of T. urticae. The colony of T. urticae were collect from Linnei, Yulin County, Zhongpu, Chiayi County, Danei, Tainan City, and Changzhi, Pintung County, respectively. We using spray tower to conduct the acaricides control efficiency on egg, nymph, and adults of T. urticae from 4 various districts, respectively. Only bifenazate have high control efficiency of T. urticae among 4 different districts. The otheracaricides have poorly control efficiency against female mites. On the control study of egg stage, the effect of spiromesifen on eggs was the best, and the rate of control reached 100 %. There had various control efficiency on egg according to various districts by etoxazole. The best control efficiency on Changzhi area is 81.8 %. The same acaricides have different control rate for different area colony on the nymph stage study. Spiromesifen is still the best acaricides, and the ecoxazole has the biggest variation on control efficiency, there is 82.8 % in Changzhi area, and only 2.5 % in Zhongpu area. The phenomenon that acaricides registered on papaya are generally unable to control T. urticae is worthy of attention, and should be properly developed for the strategy of managing spider mites.
  • 二點葉蟎
  • 木瓜
  • 殺蟎劑
  • 臺灣
  • Tetranychus urticaes
  • Papaya
  • Taiwan
  • Acaricides


中文姓名 英文姓名 在職(就學)單位 職稱
林明瑩 Lin, M. Y. 國立嘉義大學植物醫學系